
The rich sounds of an organ enliven the worship experience
and inspires congregations around the world to stand up and celebrate.
But the design, selection and maintenance of this magnificent
instrument can be a daunting endeavor. Now you can move forward
with confidence. Riedel is your single source
for reliable and objective advice from nationally acclaimed
We can objectively help you understand
and evaluate the complex options and types of organs available,
engage in price negotiations, develop economic specifications,
and recommend enduring designs. With wise selection and high
quality care, you can optimize the longevity and function
of your church or chapel organ.

Pipe Organ Services Include:
- Organ Project Consultation
- New or Used Organ Purchase
- Rebuilding or Restoration
of Existing Instruments
- Inspection, Evaluation and Tonal Assessment of
Existing Instruments
- Organ Condition Survey and Report
- Organ Installation Site Preparation Design and
Data: space, weight, electrical service,
conduits, HVAC, etc.
- Façade Design
- Tuning, Maintenance, Cleaning and Conservation of Pipe

Room Acoustics and Sound System Consultation
and Room Acoustics Consultation
and Sound System Consultation
Room Acoustics and Sound System Consultation

St. Mark's Lutheran Church Watertown, Wisconsin
St. Mark's Church is a recently and elegantly restored 1888 Victorian Gothic building. The choir sits in a "wrap-around" three sided balcony. The original encased mechanical action organ (from an unknown builder) still exists at the center/rear balcony, on the long axis of the room. An Austin organ was installed in 1924 (Opus 1224). The Swell division, with some Pedal stops, was placed in the historic balcony case. The Great, Choir and remaining Pedal stops were located in a chamber to the upper right of the Altar and Chancel. During the 1980's, the Austin Company rebuilt and altered the organ, adding new Principal Choruses and Reeds to the Great and Pedal Divisions, as well as changing out most of the Swell Division pipes to neo-Baroque/Germanic ranks. The combination of new and old pipes of differing musical styles and eras resulted in a lack of cohesion and balance. These musical challenges, along with difficulties in the electrical system, and decay of leathers necessitated a thorough repair, rebuilding, and re-organization of the instrument.
John-Paul Buzard Pipe Organ Builders were chosen to take on the project. All wind-chests were replaced with non-leathered electric-slider actions. All pipes were retained and re-voiced, with some re-scaled and re-purposed. Some new ranks were added, and the entire organ was installed within the central rear-balcony case. The case was enlarged to match the historic original portion by church members.
The instrument now has musical unity and integrity, with durable actions. The historic Austin console shell was retained, and outfitted with a new multi-feature electrical operating system. The visual presentation of case and facades are befitting of the historic room, and tone is projected evenly in the space on the long axis of the room.
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St. Luke's Episcopal Church Durham, North Carolina
The St. Luke Church worship space is as square room having relatively short wall heights, and with the altar set beneath the central peak of the pyramidal roof. While the floor plan facilitates an intimate seating arrangement focusing on the altar, the square and pyramidal geometric form makes even sound distribution difficult to achieve. Further, the floor was partly carpeted, and the ceiling was entirely clad in sound absorbing "Tectum" material, so the "dead: environment did not support vibrant speech, inspiring music, or participation by the congregation in sung and spoken liturgy. The church's small neo-Baroque style organ with low wind pressure, narrow scaling, and few 8' or 16' stops, did not have the capacity to lead hymnody or accompany the choir well.
Acoustic improvements included re-surfacing the ceiling deck with hard and sound reflective materials, and changing from carpet to slate flooring, all to increase the reverberation period. Further, brick features were added to side walls to diffuse sound energy and eliminate flutter echoes.
A used/heritage Möller pipe organ, having electric-slider action as well as a stop-list and pipe scaling/voicing attributes commensurate to the St. Luke space and choral liturgy, was reconditioned and installed into an enlarged organ chamber on the central axis of the room, behind choir singers.
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Grace Episcopal Church Sandusky, Ohio
The new three-manual and pedal pipe organ at Grace Church is an electric-slider action instrument of 44 Resisters and 60 Ranks. Some of the pipe work is new, and some are heritage ranks retained from the church previous instrument. That was a mechanical action Johnson organ from the 1800's, that had been significantly modified over the years, and including the later addition of an electro-pneumatic action Antiphonal Division placed in the church's rear balcony.
The right-side of Sanctuary main organ case was structurally reinforced, with all new wind-chests and expression boxes fitted within. The new electric console is positioned now at the opposite side of the Sanctuary and Choir from the organ case, so the organist now hears direct tonal projection and balance (the former console was on the same side of the Sanctuary as the organ case, beneath its cantilevered façade, such that the organist had no direct hearing and perception of organ tone or balance). All finishes are white and mahogany to match the building's historic architecture. Pipe shades and some façade pipes are painted in historic colors found in the church's stained glass windows.
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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Buffalo, New York
The Holy Trinity church organ was originally installed by the M.P. Möller Company in 1949, and had 43 ranks of pipes in chambers flanking the Chancel. Over the years the instrument was enlarged by various Organ Companies, bringing the total rank count to over 150, along with some digital voices. Additions were made within the Chancel chambers, and in the rear gallery of the church. By the early 2000's, the organ was suffering from wear and age, particularly due to decaying leathers. Maintenance and access were extremely difficult, because the placement of addition pipes and equipment over the years obstructed walk-boards, ladders, and access ways.
The Parsons Organ rebuilding project included replacing all original and added wind-chests with new electric-slider (non-leather) actions, and the reconfiguration of wind-chest and wind ducting layouts within the chambers to facilitate maintenance and tuning accessibility. A new tone opening was created to improve tonal egress from the right-side chambers. Most of the organ's pipes were retained, restored, and re-voiced, while some pipes were replaced.
The rich heritage of Holy Trinity Church's organ has been retained and renewed, and improvements to the layout and replacement of wind-chest actions will assure dependable durability for decades to come. Rebuilding of the Gallery divisions was not included in this 2016 Parsons project.
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Pilgrim Lutheran Church Carmel, Indiana
The new two-manual and pedal pipe organ at Pilgrim Church is an electric-slider action instrument of 31 Resisters and 37 Ranks. The church building, also recently designed by architect John Munson, has a generous cubic air volume, with tall ceiling heights and a spacious rear loft containing choir and organ. The electric-slider action instrument has a wood case that is commensurate with the building's interior décor. The façade features polished tin Diapason ranks, and copper Festival Trumpets. The movable console is on the first level of the tiered choir loft, where the organist has direct and intimate hearing of both organ and singers.
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St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Marion, Iowa
St. Mark's Lutheran Church is a congregation that offers a wide variety of worship opportunities and styles. As the
project began, the church had one worship space in which they were conducting Traditional, Blended,
Contemporary and "High Impact" services. The room contained theater style stadium seating, large areas of
carpeted flooring, sound absorbing wall panels and curtains, video screens, and a mechanical action organ that
had been moved from the congregation's former church building. Though the effort was made via architectural
detailing and A/V system design to meet the needs of the varying worship and music styles, the room metthe
needs of none well.
It was decided to create two separate worship spaces on the Church campus so that each space could be
designed and detailed to serve their respective worship and music styles with excellence. A new building was
constructed for traditional worship, and the existing space was re-designed and outfitted for the contemporary
The new building, "Worship Center II", is a long, tall, "center aisle" room with hard surface flooringthroughout,
sound reflective and diffusing reinforced gypsum board walls, and a metal ceiling deck that features sound
reflective "clouds" above the Chancel and Choir spaces. Speakers are carefully located and aimed to deliver
speech to the congregation seating area, but to avoid unwanted sound reflections from other building surfaces.
All A/V sytems were designed by Dave Hosbach of DSH Audio-Visions. The rear wall of the room is equipped to
contain a retractable curtain so that the room's reverberation period can be altered and "tuned" to
accommodate light attendance, or occasional contemporary music use. The maximum Reverberation Period in
the room is slightly above 2.0 Seconds, achieving excellent conditions for congregational singing, choral and
organ music, and for speech clarity.
The 50+ voice choir is seated in the chancel on tiered hardwood risers that have interior treatment tosuppress
foot-fall noise. Twin organ chambers flank the center Chancel window.
The organ installed into the chambers is the restored E.M. Skinner three manual and pedal, 26 rank
instrument, Opus 695, built in 1928 for St. John's Lutheran in the Bronx, New York. The organ was available
for sale due to the closure of St. John's congregation. Skinner organ Opus 695 was restored and reinstalled
into the new St. Mark's Church by the J.L. Weiler Organ Company of Chicago in conjunction with
assistance from the Organ Clearing House.
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St. Monica's Catholic Church Dallas, Texas
The St. Monica's Church worship space is a round/concave shaped room. Originally, floors in the nave aisles
were carpeted, and Sanctuary, Choir, and under-pew area flooring was hard surfaced. The concave perimeter
walls were primarily glass, with hard surfaced sections between glass panels; these created unwanted echo
reflections and "hot spot" sound focusing within the nave. The concave, asbestos clad ceiling surface was highly
sound absorbing. The combined sound absorbing effects of the floor and ceiling materials resulted in a
reverberation period too low to enhance organ and choral music, and too low to foster good participation by the
assembly in sung and spoken liturgy.
The choir and organ space was separated from the main nave by a wood lattice wall that obstructed tone
projection, and the former organ was a poorly executed attempt at a baroque tonality, with failing operating
Acoustic improvements to the room include entirely hard surface marble/tile flooring and a sound reflective and
diffusive ceiling deck, with sound diffusing wall features having discrete areas of absorbing treatment. The result
is a live room that supports Catholic liturgy, with echoing and "hot-spot" focusing effects eliminated. The music
area's obstructive lattice wall was removed, and sound reflective diffusers were added to blend tone amongst
musicians, as well as to distribute music evenly throughout the nave.
The sound system features an array of ceiling mounted speakers, along with special coverage speakers installed
in discrete locations.
The new Nichols and Simpson four manual organ with primarily electric-slider action has five divisions. All pipework
is located in a sound reinforcing chamber above and behind choir singers, wrapped in a façade designed by Frank Friemel.
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Community Church of Vero Beach
Vero Beach, Florida
The Community Church worship space is a "fan shaped" auditorium type room. Originally, congregation area floors were
carpeted, and the rear perimeter walls were primarily clad in sound absorbing cloth covered fiber-glass acoustic panels. The
ceiling was made of coffered plaster, and choir andorgan were located to the upper left of the Chancel platform. The former
organ was a neo-baroque mechanical action instrument. The low reverberation period in the space did not enhance choral
and organ music, nor did it foster good congregational participation in hymns and sung or spoken liturgy.
The expanded music program of the church required additional and flexible choir seating to accommodate the wide shift
between "high" and "low" seasonal attendance. Further, a larger organ, romantically conceived, but capable of setting forth a
wide range of compositional styles and eras, was desired. The sound system was aging, and designed toaccommodate the
room's low reverberation period.
Acoustic improvements to the room include primarilyhard surface flooring, with carpet only in select aisles, and sound
reflective walls featuring hard, dense constructionand uniquely engineered sound diffusing surface profiles. Retractable
curtains are installed at the rear of the room to adjust the reverberation period for the high and lowseasonal attendance shifts.
Ceiling surfaces were hardened and sealed. The reverberation period is now at 2.0 Seconds. The new sound system
features an array of ceiling mounted speakers, along with special coverage speakers installed within the chancel steps, and
monitor speakers to serve those seated at the Chancel and Choir. The system also includes comprehensivesound, video,
and recording applications and controls to serve worship, theatrical productions and concerts.
The new Lively & Fulcher organ is located in twin chambers and cases at the rear of the Chancel, above and behind the choir
risers. The action is electric-slider, and the movable French terraced draw-knob console has a complete multi-level
combination system. The Lively & Fulcher
Organ Company also built the matching
chancel and choir liturgical furnishings,
seating, and wood wall and cabinetry work.
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Mayflower Congregational Church
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mayflower Congregational Church's worship space is as a long and fairly narrow New England Colonial style
building with reasonably tall side walls. Original interior materials included significant amounts of carpeting, and
many wall and ceiling surfaces clad with sound absorbing acoustic tile treatments. The Chancel choir area was
limited in size and flexibility, and separated singers from each other in transepts with low ceilings and with large
modesty railings.
The former organ was an electro-pneumatic unit organ, inadequate in size for the church's music program and
worship space size, and suffering from failing mechanisms. The former organ pipes were located in a tone-restrictive side chamber that was without adequate climate control.
The extensive music program of the church called for a reliable instrument, capable of accompany and leading
sacred music of many styles. Further, adequate flexible and functional space and a supportive acoustical
environment were necessary to the present and future goals of the church's music ministry.
Acoustic improvements to the room include the use of hard surface flooring throughout along with soundreflective
and diffusing, hard, dense wall and ceiling gypsum board and plaster treatments. The Chancel and choir area
were enlarged by extending the space towards the nave. The Chancel now accommodates all liturgical functions
as well as provides space for choir singers, the organ console, a grand piano, and other instrumentalists.
Modesty railings are spindle/baluster type to allowunobstructed sound projection. Access is facilitated with a
chair lift.
The new Glück organ is located in twin chambers at the front and sides of the Chancel. The primary divisions are
on the long axis of the room, in cases/chambers that flank the central Chancel window. The casework and façade
blend into the architectural style of the room, andthe expression chambers are finished in multiple layers of
dense, sound reflective gypsum board, with both insulation and air circulation fans to stabilize tuning/temperature
conditions for the organ. The organ action is electric with some unit actions. The movable side-jambstop tab
console has a complete multi-level combination system. The organ employs some restored and rebuilt pipe work
from the previous Mayflower Church organ, along with re-purposed pipes from Glück stock, as well as newranks.
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St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
St. Hedwig church is set in one of the oldest neighborhoods in Milwaukee, WI. The building dates at over 100
years old. Over time the worship space interior and organ have been remodeled, updated, redecorated, and
rebuilt many times. The instrument and room were far from their original artistic and architectural inspiration and
intent. The parish desired a restoration and return of the building to a more historic style and period. The organ
was a significant factor in returning to the historic integrity of the room.
In 2006 we found the organ to be failing... mechanically, electrically, and structurally. Considerable portions of the
original Kimball instrument remained, but over timethe organ had been removed from its original case,changed
to electro-pneumatic action, and positioned into two chambers at the back of the balcony that obstructed eight art
glass windows.
The project goals therefore included returning the organ to a traditional encased position at the center of the
balcony, thus allowing the art glass at the rear ofthe former chambers to be revealed.
Happily, the Holtkamp organ company had available a modestly sized existing instrument available that could be
repurposed into St. Hedwig Church, with the best portions of St. Hedwig's Kimball organ available to be
combined with the Holtkamp organ. The result is an instrument that contains the bright clarity of the newer
Holtkamp organ, along with the rich sonorities of the Kimball pipe-work. All of this has been combinedon new act
electric slider actions for superb reliability and tone, with pipes fully re-voiced into a noble, clear, broad palette of
tone. Further, the Holtkamp console from the Julliard School of Music in New York was available for sale, so this
console now controls the instrument. A classicallystyled case, evoking the architectural idioms of the St. Hedwig
room, provides both an artistic visual effect, and a blending tonal effect.
The entire project was accomplished economically due to the restoration, re-purposing, and re-use of good
existing resources and materials.
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Faith Lutheran Church
New Providence, New Jersey
Faith Lutheran Church's worship space is as a long and fairly narrow "A Frame" style building with reasonably tall
side walls. Original interior materials included a softwood ceiling deck with some tiled and some carpeted floor
areas. The rear choir loft had a high, solid railing and side vestibules that obstructed and trapped sound energy.
The former organ was in its core a Tellers electro-pneumatic unit instrument with other used ranks added over the
years. This organ was located in a Masonite clad chamber at the rear of the balcony.
The growing and vibrant music program of the churchgenerated the need for additional and flexible space to
accommodate the parish's many musical ensembles which include full choirs, bell choirs, and instrumental
ensembles. Further, a larger, durable and reliableorgan, with sufficient musical resources to lead the sung liturgy
and support and accompany a variety of musical styles was desired.
Acoustic improvements to the room include the use of hard surface flooring throughout along with sealed and
hardened wood surfaces, and multiple layers of dense, sound reflective wall materials. The balcony was enlarged
with a cantilever overhanging only two rear of navepews. The balcony also now has a sound transmitting wood
baluster railing.
The new Glück organ is located in an elevated case at the rear of the balcony, with sound transparent grill
material flanking the case to facilitate tonal egress from pedal ranks adjoining the case. The action is electric-slider with some unit actions. The movable side-jamb stop tab console has a complete multi-level combination
system. The organ employs some restored and rebuilt pipe work from the previous Faith Church organ, along
with re-purposed pipes from the Glück stock, as wellas new ranks.
Faith Lutheran Church
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First Presbyterian Church
Gallatin, Tennessee
The First Presbyterian Church, built in 1837 in Gallatin, Tennessee, was severely damaged by fire in December of
2004. The fire, begun from a Christmas decoration candle on a window sill, burned up the side wall ofthe church,
across the ceiling, into the organ chamber, and through the roof of the building. While partly damaged, the
Egyptian Art Deco styled organ case survived the fire, along with some pipes from the electro-mechanical organ.
The new mechanical action instrument, built by Bradley Rule of New Market, Tennessee, has electric stop
controls and a detached console. Room acoustics were enhanced with a coffered detail on the ceiling, reinforced
gypsum board walls, and a reduction in the amount of carpet in the space.
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Salem United Church of Christ
Quincy, Illinois
The Salem United Church of Christ, Quincy, Illinois, has a Victorian Gothic structure built in 1876, featuring a
"wrap around" balcony, with choir and organ elevated at the front of the room. The old Moller organ, worn and
decayed, was installed with extremely challenged access and maintenance space into three chambers. Choir
seating, while well placed, was fixed and inflexible in a "stadium" arrangement of theater chairs on carpeted floors.
The new Schantz organ, having more ranks than the previous Moller, is accessibly installed into the chambers,
with the historic façade pipes retained. The choirarea, with the movable organ console, now featuresportable
chairs and risers with hardwood flooring.
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St. John Lutheran Church
Park Rapids, Minnesota
The St. John Lutheran Church building is constructed in the "A-Frame" style, with organ and music ministries
functioning from the rear gallery. The congregation's musical offerings include traditional liturgieswith organ,
choir, bell choir, and other vocal and instrumentalgroups. Community musical organizations also use the church
as their performance venue.
Originally, the music gallery had an unsealed, soft-wood ceiling, carpeted floor, and "soft" sound absorbing
acoustic spray material on the rear wall. The former electro-pneumatic pipe organ was composed of a variety of
used and newer components, and was inadequate, bothmusically and mechanically.
Acoustic improvements include an all hard surface music gallery floor with foot-fall noise sound deadening under-floor treatments, a sound reflective rear wall madeof multiple layers of gypsum board, and the application of
sealants to harden the wood ceiling. Future plans include the reduction of first floor area carpets.
The new Berghaus organ has electric slider main chest action, with some unit chests. The fully encased
instrument sits at the center-rear of the balcony, on the long axis of the room. Three ranks of pipeswere restored
and re-used from the church's previous organ. The movable console is outfitted with a multi-level combination
action as well as player conveniences such as "Automatic Pedal" and "Melody Assist" features to aid pianists.
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Christ Church, Episcopal
Delavan, Wisconsin
Christ Episcopal Church has a classic, traditional worship space with a long center aisle, Apse and Chancel, and
a lofty peaked and arched ceiling. The Tiffany windows and Victorian Gothic style of the room increased the
building's inspirational setting. The primary acoustic deficit was a too low reverberation period caused by the
presence of large expanses of carpeted flooring. The organ was suffering from the effects of dirt andage to the
pipes, leathers, and electrical switching system.
The re-designed room honors and maintains the integrity of the original architectural style and detailing. Wood
carvings and the Tiffany windows were cleaned and restored. Additional wood wainscoting to match the existing
now completes the room. All new hard-wood floors with artistic inlay details create a visual and acoustic vitality in
the space. New seating, classically designed, is better oriented for liturgical gathering, and accommodates the
flexible use of the space.
The organ was cleaned, repaired, and restored, witha new multi-level solid state switching and combination
system retrofitted into the historic, and now movable console.
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Christ UCC
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The P.J. Swartz Organ Company of Eatonton, GA has recently completed the rebuilding of the 1969 Verlinden
organ at Christ Church UCC, Milwaukee, WI. Technical, mechanical, and tonal revisions and updates were
accomplished. These include the replacement of theaging electro-pneumatic switches with a new Syndyne solid
state control system that offers an expanded combination action as well as MIDI capability. Trumpet pipes were
replaced with a new rank for improved scaling and tonal blend, along with a 16' extension into the Pedal. The
original Vox Humana was also replaced with an historic Wangerin Oboe to expand the organ's tonal paletteand
functional use. Finally, a 4' Swell Principal rankwas added, particularly so that the unification ofthe Great
Diapason stop could be reduced.
When originally installed, the main windchests of this instrument were mounted within the chamber, higher than
the top level of the tone opening. From this position, no tone from pipes could project directly through the grille
opening to the nave of the church. It is speculated that this "too high" mounting of windchests by theoriginal
builder above the tone opening was caused by the tall pneumatic switch stacks that were located beneath the
windchests. With the introduction of the solid state switching system, the tall pneumatic switch stacks were
removed, and the windchests lowered to bring pipes even to the tone opening level. The result is a renewed tonal
vitality, presence, and projection. The repositioning of the organ pipes for good tonal egress, alongwith the
replacement of carpeted worship space flooring withpolished granite, has resulted in an excellent musical and
liturgical functional space. Scott R. Riedel & Associates Ltd., Milwaukee, WI, provided consultation service to the
project. The dedication recital was performed by Donald VerKuilen on Sunday November 13, 2011 to a capacity
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Luther Memorial Chapel
Shorewood, Wisconsin
Luther Memorial Church's worship space is as a traditional Victorian gothic long and fairly narrow "center aisle"
room. Original interior materials included plaster walls and ceilings, with carpeted Chancel, balcony and aisle
floors. The choir singers are located in a rear loft along with a "Positiv" organ division. The main Great, Swell and
Pedal organ divisions are located in second floor chamber to the right of the Chancel that had two layers of fabric
at the tone opening grilles.
The original organ was in its core an Estey electro-pneumatic unit instrument. Later additions of other new and
used ranks, along with a replacement console, were provided by the Berschdorf Organ Company. The Chancel
chambers were clad in Masonite, and the balcony chamber walls and ceiling were softened and damaged byroof
A durable, reliable instrument of compatible tonal and voicing styles was desired, along with acoustical
improvements for the enhancement of hymn singing, choral, and organ tone.
Acoustic improvements to the room include the use of hard surface flooring throughout the Chancel and Balcony,
along with multiple layers of dense, sound reflective wall materials in all organ and choir areas.
The Berghaus Organ Company found, restored, re-configured, and installed an historic Casavant organ, re-voiced
to fit into the new setting. Due to structural challenges in the building, the primary divisions of the Casavant-Berghaus organ (Great, Swell, Pedal) are installed into the rejuvenated Chancel chambers. An expressive Choir
division composed of some ranks and components fromthe church's previous Estey-Berschdorf organ is installed
in an updated balcony chamber.
A case of working facade pipes now fronts the Chancel chambers. The action is electro-pneumatic with some unit
actions. The draw-knob console is located in the balcony along with choir singers.
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Pilgrim Lutheran Church
St. Paul, Minnesota
The Pilgrim Church building is designed in the Victorian Gothic style. There is a tall, long central nave, with twin
transepts flanking the crossing. Originally the Altar was at the front wall of the Chancel, with choir singers facing
each other in the Anglican manner. The original Wangerin organ, of primarily unit stops, was installedin a left-front chamber with tone openings only into the Chancel.
Building and acoustic modifications include a Chancel extension toward the Nave crossing, with a central, free
standing Altar and movable liturgical furniture. The choir is now located on tiered risers at the front wall of the
Chancel, on the long axis of the room. All Chanceland choir flooring, formerly carpeted, is now finished in sound
reflective hardwood.
The re-purposed organ was originally built by the Schantz Organ Company in 1958 for the Community Reformed
Church in Holland, Michigan. Changing worship styles at the Michigan church caused the organ to be sold. The
organ was re-designed and installed by the Berghaus Organ Company to have the Great division in twin cases
flanking the central Chancel window. The Swell andPedal divisions are placed in the former organ's Chancel
side chamber. The chamber has been remodeled for improved tonal projection and to have an expressive Swell
chamber separated from the non-expressive Pedal stops. Wind pressures were increased, and the organ was re-voiced to serve its new Lutheran liturgical and architectural setting. The three-manual draw-knob console is
movable to accommodate flexible use and positioningin the Chancel.
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Christ Church, Episcopal
Exeter, New Hampshire
Christ Church, Episcopal is a Prairie-style
room, with a square floor plan and pyramidal peaked
ceiling. The soft wood-exposed ceiling system, porous
plaster walls and partially carpeted floor diminished
the quality of speech, music and liturgical participation.
The failing organ was a collection of used parts
from various sources. Pipes were in a sound restrictive
chamber behind the altar space and choir singers
were located in a corner of the room.
The redesigned setting
by Solomon & Bauer Architects, Inc. now provides
acoustical space that supports speech, music and
liturgy. Wall and ceiling surfaces are now hard,
sound reflective and diffusive. The floor is concrete
and hardwood. The liturgical space has been reoriented
with the altar now beneath the high point of the
ceiling. Choir singers are centrally located, and
the new Lively and Fulcher electric action pipe organ
is fully encased.

The Lutheran School of Theology
at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
The former chapel design
featured an amphitheater-bowl architectural arrangement.
Worshippers entered the room at the high rear perimeter
walls and descended down steep stairs into tiered
pews, curved around, and looking down upon a small
central chancel. The space doubled as a lecture hall
and had carpeted floors, concrete walls and a ceiling “open
to structure”. A piano was the primary musical
The entire amphitheater-bowl
form was removed to reveal a large shoebox-shaped
architectural space. Cone-Kalb-Wonderlick Architects
of Chicago conceived the entirely flexible liturgical
room; a flat floor allows the placement of the movable
altar, ambo and chair seating into any orientation
desired for the various liturgies celebrated at the
Seminary. A permanent flowing water font was placed
in the gathering plaza. Acoustical detailing
includes sound reflective and diffusing plaster wall
features, a rigid, sound reflective, suspended hardwood
ceiling grid and slate flooring. The new sound system
accommodates varied seating and speaking locations
in the room. The encased mechanical action organ
by Michael Bigelow is at the end of the long axis
of the room and features a stop-list large enough
for a wide range of musical styles. | Top | Home | |

Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
(Roman Catholic)
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Formerly, St. John Cathedral had a traditional long
center aisle with fixed pews, and a forward Sanctuary
with a baldachin covered altar, as well as a free-standing
altar. The very small rear balcony contained a 4
manual electric action Noehren pipe organ, with little
remaining space for choir singers or instrumentalists.
Floors and walls were hard surface terrazzo and marble,
and the ceiling deck was a moderately sound absorbing
composition tile material. A large and unsightly
sound system speaker cluster was suspended from the
forward ceiling.
The liturgical renewal of the space included the
positioning of a single central altar, a baptismal
font and pool near the main entrance, a single ambo
for proclamation of the word, and movable chair seating
for the assembly. The former forward Sanctuary is
now the music ministry plaza, with adequate space
for cantor, organ case and console, choir singers,
piano, and instrumentalists. A new Nichols and Simpson
encased organ is placed at the front of the room,
at the Apse/former Sanctuary, behind the choir singers.
The new four manual “front” console controls
both the Apse and balcony organs. Three digital line-array
sound system speakers serve the entire space from
discrete locations aside columns, and the ceiling
deck has been hardened. | Top | Home | |

First Presbyterian Church
Wausau, Wisconsin
This worship space had many characteristics that
made musical blend, congregational response, clarity
of the spoken work, and choral projection difficult.
These characteristics included carpeted floors, an
acoustically tiled ceiling, sound restrictive organ
chambers, failing organ mechanisms.
Additionally, the original choir location was in
a small balcony at the front of the church, above
the chancel. This was an unsafe and spatially inflexible
choir loft.
In order to improve this situation, the total amount
of carpeting was reduced, and the ceiling deck was
hardened. The choir was relocated from the front
balcony to an enlarge choir / chancel “plaza” elevated
at the front of the main floor. This allowed for
greater flexibility for the music program. A new
sound system includes modestly sized speakers high
along the center axis of the room.
The three manual Schlicker organ was designed to
be durable, long lasting, and to have a variety of
tonal colors for the wide scope of protestant American
worship music. | Top | Home | |

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Asheville, North Carolina
The well proportioned architecture of St. Mark’s
Lutheran Church suffered from a poor acoustical environment
and an inadequately placed, decaying organ. The room
contained both sound absorbing carpeted floors and
a porous ceiling. The divided Chancel choir seating
arrangement restricted musical flexibility. Worn
out organ pipes and parts from various sources were
trapped in a deep side chamber with restrictive tone
The acoustical improvements and liturgical renovation
of the church included a new Martin Ott mechanical
action pipe organ placed on the long axis of the
room, and an altar, font, and ambo placed closer
to the congregation. Ample space, risers and flexible
seating are provided for the choir. Flooring throughout
the room is now primarily sound reflective hardwood,
with only a modest center aisle runner of carpet.
The ceiling surfaces have been hardened and a new
sound system projects the spoken word. | Top | Home | |

St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Formerly, St. Matthew Lutheran Church was a modest
sized worship space with a traditional long center
aisle, a Chancel with a “front wall” altar,
and a balcony that held a medium sized choir and
an aging pipe organ in a remote chamber. Floors were
carpeted, and the ceiling was made of thin, sound
transmitting composition wood panels. A dynamic Pastoral
and music staff at the church fostered increases
in church attendance and choir/music program participation.
The revitalized worship environment now has a nearly
doubled seating capacity. There are a central, free-standing
altar, marble inlaid floors, plaster ceilings, a
tiered music plaza large enough for choral and instrumental
groups together, a state of the art sound system,
and a new encased organ with enchamade trumpets and
a French terraced console. The acoustically live
and flexible worship space facilitates creative worship
and is a venue that draws a large concert following
as well. | Top | Home | |
and Room Acoustics Consultation

Lutheran Church of the Good
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
The former organ, failing due to age and wear,
along with a spatially restrictive choir balcony and a non-supportive
acoustical environment, necessitated a program of improvement for the
congregation. Closets and a small audio room were removed from the balcony
to redesign and enlarge the choir seating plaza for the church’s
growing music ministry. A new sound-transmitting balcony railing
was installed to prevent the obstruction of choir and organ music to
worshippers at the first floor level. Hard floors (with footfall
noise attenuating features in the subfloor) are provided throughout the
room, along with a quieted HVAC system. A new Dobson mechanical action
organ with a detached console and electric stop control is located in
an innovative case at the center rear of the balcony.
| Top | Home | |

First Congregational
United Church of Christ
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
While the overall geometric
form of the worship space formed a potentially worthy
acoustical environment, the thickly carpeted floors,
softwood chancel walls and sawtooth ceiling profile
all diminished the quality and projection of sound
within the room. The aging and decaying organ, relocated
from a previous building, was installed into a cloth
covered rear chamber.
Acoustical improvements
included the redesign of the plaster ceiling profile
to facilitate the projection and diffusion of musical
sound from the choir balcony, the use of hard flooring
throughout, and new hardwood chancel wall panels.
The Schantz organ is designed into the upper rear
chamber now with a façade of speaking pipes
that features en chamade solo trumpets. The former
Antiphonal organ division in the chancel area has
also been re-engaged.
| Top | Home | |

Photo by Mr. Thorsten Ott
Photo by Mr. Thorsten Ott

Peace Lutheran Church St. Louis, Missouri
The Peace Lutheran Church building is newly constructed, incorporating classical elements with a modern
interpretation. There is a "center aisle" congregational seating plan that yet wraps the broad Chancel. Musicians
are located in a spacious rear gallery that accommodates choristers, woodwind, string, and brass players, a full
range hand-bell choir, and a two manual and pedal mechanical action organ.
Flooring throughout the space is hard surface ceramic. The ceiling deck is lacquered/sealed wood, with discrete
areas of sound absorbing treatment added to fine-tune the room's 2.2 Second Reverberation Period. The walls
are primarily brick, set in a variegated geometric surface profile pattern that diffuses sound, and prevents focusing
and echoes. Modest areas of sound absorbing cloth covered fiberglass wall inserts also tune the reverberation
time. A spindle type baluster railing at the balcony edge allows music to transmit to the nave without obstruction.
The sound system uses traditional ceiling mounted loudspeakers with supplemental speakers in under-balcony
areas of the room. Twin video screens flank the Chancel, and A/V controls are in the balcony.
The Martin Ott two manual and pedal organ has primarily mechanical key action with electric stop actions and a
multi-level combination system. The organ is voiced in a modified neo-baroque style, and contains three electric
unit action ranks to expand the use of its tonal resources. The console is detached from the case, with trackers
running in a chase beneath the tiered choir risers.
| Top | Home | |

First Presbyterian Church
Fargo, North Dakota
The main worship space at First Presbyterian
Church is a large Gothic style room; long, tall,
narrow with a central aisle, vaulted arches, choir
singers at the upper chancel and a large organ chamber,
fronted with a carved wood lattice, at the front
of the room. The entire ceiling deck is surfaced
with sound absorbing fiberboard that visually simulates
stone tiles. The aging and decaying organ was poorly
scaled and voiced for the challenging acoustical
When finances allow, the
ceiling deck will be replaced with hard, sound reflective
material; the reverberation period will then be increased
to a level that will enhance music and congregational
participation in hymns and liturgy. The new Schantz
organ, placed high within the front chamber, enjoys
excellent placement on the long axis of the room
and is scaled and voiced to project and blend tone
well into the current room. Organ tone will further
bloom when the ceiling is rendered sound reflective.
| Top | Home | |

Mt. Pleasant Lutheran Church
Racine, Wisconsin
The unique architecture
of this church created a challenge to achieving a
typically desirable acoustical environment. The low
ceiling height with exposed structure, overall circular
geometric form, and angled glass perimeter wall do
not facilitate a “live” reverberant space.
The steeply sloped carpeted floor, diminutive structural
elements and open ramp circulation halls further
diminish the acoustical presence. The lack of a designated
choir/instrument area with a flat floor also limited
the flexible use of the space. The undersized and
failing organ was installed into a chamber behind
the altar, with some portions placed within closets
reclaimed from adjoining offices.
While a “live” reverberation
period cannot be achieved within a building of this
geometric form, improvements were achieved. Sound
energy is now projected evenly throughout the room,
and absorption diminished. The ceiling deck
was refitted with sound reflective decks to close
off the sound-trapping exposed structure. Some regions
of carpeting were converted to hard flooring, and
sound reflective and diffusing wall sections were
built adjoining the choir and organ spaces. A dedicated
choir and instrument space with tiered floor levels
was also built. A functional organ chamber, composed
of reinforced gypsum board walls and ceiling, was
also provided. It is large enough to contain a suitable
organ, and configured to reflect and project tone
into the nave. The Buzard Organ Company provided
an electric slider action organ for the room, voiced
to blend tone and built to blend into the multiple
curved architectural geometries of the room. | Top | Home | |

Bishop Spencer Place Chapel
Kansas City, Missouri
This project involved planning for a new Episcopal
retirement home chapel environment and new organ.
Acoustics were designed to be optimal for both speech
and music, with special concern given to the needs
of the hearing-impaired. Strengthened gypsum board
wall & ceiling, hardwood floors, and tall ceiling
geometries contribute to the favorable acoustics.
The organ was designed within the framework of the
multim in parvo concept; that is “much in little”.
Jack M. Bethards, President of the Schoenstein Organ
Company writes:
Because of the size of the chapel and the need
for maximum versatility, we decided to put both Great
and Swell under expression. Since the bass pipes
of the Open Diapason would not fit comfortably in
the Swell box, we placed them in display but provided
two separate knobs to draw the Open Diapason in order
to avoid the problem of a big break in loudness at
tenor C should the box be closed. The firm bass of
the Lieblich Gedeckt serves well to underpin the
Open Diapason when it is played under expression.
The extended 16’ flute stop is made of four
different types of pipes. Given the size of the room
and the chapel’s musical requirements, we decided
that a celeste to the Dulciana (Unda-Maris) would
be more useful than a narrow unison string.
The most important element of this tiny stoplist
is the Trumpet under double expression. We have used
double expression with great success on several large
instruments. I felt that it might have even more
utility in a small one. This has proved to be true.
The Trumpet, with tapered shallots, is very boldly
voiced. It is in its own box, speaking into the main
one. This extra degree of dynamic control allows
it to play as soft as a capped oboe with the shades
closed and then to crescendo a dramatic amount, becoming
a very powerful chorus reed dominating the ensemble,
admirably leading congregational singing or serving
as a solo stop. This six-rank organ has a full-Swell
effect of real grandeur. | Top | Home | |

Church of the Resurrection
Wichita, Kansas
This project presented the opportunity to optimize
the acoustics for a completely new facility. The
client desired a traditional cruciform room shape
with the music space in the front. A particular challenge
in this design was to allow organ tone to reach the
main part of the nave, given that the organ was placed
in a side transept. The choir / music area was designed
to be flexible for the various musical ensembles
that utilize the space. Primarily, hard materials
were used to create acoustics that are friendly to
both music and spoken word.
The Berghaus organ was designed with a wide tonal
palette across two manuals and pedal. In order to
achieve desired durability, sound quality and flexibility,
a detached and electric slider chests were employed. | Top | Home | |

First English
Lutheran Church
Whitewater, Wisconsin
The project involved the re-design and renovation
of an existing space and replacement of a failing
electro-pneumatic organ. There were several acoustical
deficiencies in the church including excessive carpeting,
soft ceilings, and a choir space in a completely
different area than the organ. The original organ
spoke from chambers into the chancel, and did not
project in to the nave.
Our recommendations included a tile floor for the
chancel, a hardened ceiling, and moving of the choir
space. The new Holtkamp organ now speaks down the
long axis of the nave with the choir directly below.
From the dedication booklet –
“Our goal was to provide an instrument and liturgical / acoustical environment
which would provide for more devotional, inspirational, and exciting worship.
This building, of commodious original design integrity, now offers an even fuller,
richer service to the congregation. The resonant organ case has been built of
historical wood cabinetry, blending with the visual design of space. The location
of organ pipes on the front central axis of the room now allows blended tonal
projection, balanced to the acoustics of the room. The acoustical environment
itself has been ‘brightened’ with more sound reflecting surfaces,
giving improved reverberance for organ, choir and congregational singing. Martin
Luther’s concept of a central altar table, closer to the congregation,
has been achieved fro more intimate and communicative liturgy. The mechanical
action ‘tracker’ organ, now enhances worship with warm and clear
tone; it will do so for many generations due to its long lasting design and workmanship.” | Top | Home | |

First Presbyterian Church
Rochester, Minnesota
This project had a number of acoustical deficiencies
including lack of musical blend, poor projection
of choir and organ tone, difficulties in congregational
response in hymns and service music, less than desirable
speech clarity, and unreliable organ service.
These problems were caused by the presence of excessive
sound absorbing materials (acoustical tile ceiling
and carpeted flooring), poor placement of organ pipes,
a decaying organ mechanism, and an antiquated sound
Excellent musical rendition and speech clarity along
with full-bodied participation by the congregation
in the Service has been achieved by raising reverberation
time. This was accomplished through the use of sound
reflective ceiling and flooring materials, by seating
the choir on the long axis of the room, and through
the use of a new sound system specifically designed
for the renovated environment.
The new Casavant organ has its primary divisions
encased on the long axis of the room with accompanimental
divisions placed in acoustically enhanced side chambers. | Top | Home | |

Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The Grace Lutheran Church building is an excellent
historic example of Victorian Gothic architecture.
While there have been some alterations to the structure
over the years, recent restoration and updating projects
have maintained the original architectural style.
Acoustical improvements include the re-creation
of the original pulpit canopy/sound reflector, hard
surfaced simulated marble flooring under pews and
in aisles for increased reverberance, and a re-organized
choir/music loft with safety railings and space for
The old organ suffered from the effects of deteriorated
leathers, a failing electrical system, and damaged
pipe-work. The “new” organ retains the
historic casework, some of the older façade
pipes, and many restored interior ranks. The remaining
façade pipes have been built to blend with
the historic façade, and new, durable slider
windchests, solid-state electrical systems, and a
movable draw-knob console have also been provided. | Top | Home | |

Hope United Church of Christ
St. Louis, Missouri
This handsome building contained an excessive amount
of sound absorbing material in the form of fully
carpeted floors and a “celotex” ceiling
deck. The choir and aging electronic organ console
were located in a sound restrictive side transept,
with the organ speakers in chambers flanking the
Our goals were to enliven the room for worship participation
and music, bring choir and organ together in an appropriate
location, and to design a durable, artistic instrument.
Carpets have been largely replaced with hardwood
flooring. The ceiling is now sound reflective, and
choir and organ are together on the central axis
of the room. The modest size, yet world-class Harrison & Harrison
organ speaks from new cases where the former speaker
chambers had been. | Top | Home | |

St. Catherine Episcopal Church
Temple Terrace, Florida
We had the welcome opportunity to design both the
architectural/acoustical environment and the new
organ for this vibrant congregation. The traditional
long and tall geometric form, marble and ceramic
tile flooring, and hardened splayed walls and ceiling
all combine to result in a 2.0 Second reverberation
period that supports liturgical worship. The modest
size Sipe organ, with select duplex stops, fills
the room from the central axis position in the Chancel. | Top | Home | |

St. James Episcopal Church
Hendersonville, North Carolina
The previous chancel design of this church featured
an organ buried in deep chambers. With the renovation
of the sanctuary, the opportunity was available to
improve the organ’s location. The altar and
pulpit were moved closer to the congregation, and
a new choir seating area was created. The organ is
now located in shallow chambers and matching casework
on either side of the chancel.
The acoustic problems of this church were addressed
in a unique manner. Through cooperation with the
architect and contractor, the structure of the ceiling
was made more reflective and dense through the use
of a special expandable insulation. New slate flooring
was also installed. The result is a space that is
excellent in its support of liturgical participation
and the grand “English Cathedral” sound
of the Harrison & Harrison Organ.
From the Harrison & Harrison Organ Company:
The city of Hendersonville is situated in the Blue
Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, 100 miles west
of Charlotte. St James's Episcopal Church was dedicated
in 1863, and has been enlarged several times since
then, in the English Gothic style. It is a lofty
building with seats for 250. The most recent work
in the church included a remarkable improvement in
the acoustics, under the guidance of the consultant
Scott Riedel.
The two matching oak cases, bracketed out on either
side of the chancel, were designed by Didier Grassin,
suitably echoing the nineteenth-century work of the
English designer and organbuilder Dr Arthur Hill.
The south case contains the enclosed Choir Organ;
the remainder is all within the north case, including
the copper Orchestral Trumpet on 10-inch wind pressure.
The organ is as expressive as it is eye-catching. In many ways it is
typical of Harrison Romantic instruments: for example, the Swell and
pedal chorus reeds have English closed shallots and are voiced on 6-inch
wind pressure.
The organ has 44 stops on three manuals; the console
is detached and mobile. Electro- pneumatic action
is accompanied by traditional slider chests and reservoirs. | Top | Home | |

St. Peter’s United Church
of Christ
Kiel, Wisconsin
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ is a building
of worthwhile size and proportion but certain features
compromised the acoustical space. The ceiling was
made of sound absorbing acoustical tile and the floor
was covered primarily with carpet. A divided chancel
choir seating arrangement did not the meet the needs
of the church’s various vocal and bell choirs.
The previous organ was located in a right side chamber
that did not project sound directly into the nave.
While much of the pipe work was valuable, the electrical
and pneumatic (leather) actions were decaying.
The liturgical and acoustical improvements included
an altar, font and pulpit placed closer to the congregation.
A new Reuter electric slider organ is placed on the
long axis of the room. The organ contains a significant
number of original pipes restored from the previous
instrument. The new music ministry space includes
a moveable drawknob organ console and risers large
enough to accommodate bell tables. Reverberation
was increased in the room by replacing the original
carpeting with genuine Jerusalem limestone, and by
adding a plaster ceiling finish. A sound system was
installed to accommodate the revised room. | Top | Home | |
and Sound System Consultation

Christ Church, Episcopal
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
This traditional English Gothic structure has
inherently: excellent acoustics; the room is long, tall,
and narrow, with no sound absorbing materials. The organ
chamber is behind the altar and carved wood reredos,
at the end of the long axis of the room. An aging, “used” pipe
organ formerly occupied the chamber, which was enlarged,
and finished with triple layers of sound reflective gypsum
board walls and ceiling. Additional tone openings were
created, and detailed with working façade pipes.
The central speaker cluster and supplemental speakers
(serving the side seating spaces) project clear, intelligible
speech throughout the room. | Top | Home | |
Organ Consultation

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This historic church on the upper east side of Milwaukee
is blessed with an architectural design that lends
itself well to music. Hard surfaces abound, and space
for music was plentiful in the balcony. The previous
instrument spoke down the long axis of the room,
and this position was maintained in the new instrument
built by Robert Sipe, of Dallas Texas.
The old instrument was suffering from mechanical
deterioration, and the overall tonal design was less
than grand. The church desired an instrument that
would have greater reliability and longevity, and
one that would also lead the liturgy with greater
musical expression. The new organ actually has fewer
ranks than the previous organ, but far surpasses
it in the range of expression and color in its tonal
Many ranks of the previous instrument were recycled,
reconditioned, and revoiced by Sipe for inclusion
in this instrument. The case of the organ was designed
to balance the visual concept of the main altar.
The key action is mechanical with electric stop controls,
and features a detached console. | Top | Home | |

Immanuel United Church of Christ
West Bend, Wisconsin
The Glück pipe organ is "new" regarding the tonal design, voicing, and scaling, as well as having all new
infrastructure, wind-chests, actions, winding, and console systems. The restored heritage portions of the
instrument are the best of the pipes from the previous organ, supplemented with some new ranks.
The former challenges of the disposition of Immanuel's organ included its installation in chambers without
balanced heat or air conditioning, and without any thermal insulation within the chamber's walls. The blower
received supply air from an unheated and un-insulated attic space as well. Due to these climate issues, tuning
was never reliable, and components were compromised and decaying. Maintenance problems were compounded
by the fact that the organ's wind-chests were double-decked and inaccessible within the too-small chamber. The
organ did contain some fine heritage pipes made by the Milwaukee firm of J.B. Meyer; these pipes were given
little tonal regulation at their initial installation, however.
The new instrument is installed into rebuilt, insulated, and climate controlled chambers. A silent blower is also
located within the chamber, along with fully accessible wind-chests and pipe-work. Portions of the Great division
are located outside the chamber as a façade to facilitate good tonal projection and access. The tonal style is now
American Classic. The two manual and pedal movable console has tablet stop controls and a multi-level
combination action. Wind chest actions are electro-pneumatic with some unit chests.
The Chancel's carpeted floor surface was replaced with wood laminate to improve the acoustic tone of both choir
and organ.

St. Peter the Fisherman
Catholic Church
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
The new worship space for this parish was built
to accommodate the large new congregation that resulted from a merger of
multiple smaller parishes. The new Robert L. Sipe organ, of electric slider
and unit action, is located within two chambers flanking the altar space.
The large choir sits near the “Swell” chamber to facilitate
accompaniment, and the movable console allows flexible use of the organ
and the choir space. |
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